Course Information: Public Health Issues in HSEM  (50219)

An elective course that explores public health issues involved in homeland security and emergency management, including study of biological agents, prevention, preparedness, public health communications, pandemic planning, and public health response.

Required Materials:   Textbook: The Public Health Consequences of Disasters, Noji, E.; ISBN: 0-19-509570-7; and other reading materials posted in eLearning.
Technical Requirements:   This is a hybrid course, meaning partially in-person and partially online. The syllabus provided the first day of class will indicate which sessions will be in-person and which will be conducted via SSU eLearning. Reliable Internet connectivity is required to complete this course.
Pre-Requisite:   (( HSEM 1101 with minimum grade: C ))
Link to View/Purchase Book:   View Book with CRN   :   View Book with Course Info
Course Attributes:   None

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