Course Information: Intro to Data Analy and Mining  (80457)

The aim of this hands-on course is to allow students to understand the foundational skills in data analytics, including but not limited to: preparing and working with real-world data sets. Abstracting and modeling an analytic question; and using tools from statistics and data mining to address these questions. Students will study the entire data analysis process, from raw data mining to address these questions. Students will study the entire data analysis process, from raw data to a deeper understanding of the patterns and structures within the data, and utilize techniques that enable one to make predictions and data-informed decisions. At the end of the course, students should feel comfortable using basic data mining techniques to answer questions about data using a statistical software packages such as SAS Enterprise Miner, R. Tableau, and Microsoft Excel.

Required Materials:   Not Yet Available
Technical Requirements:   Not Yet Available
Pre-Requisite:   (( (DATA 2501 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( DATA 2501 with minimum grade: TRC) )
AND ( (CSCI 1130 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( CSCI 1130 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( CILS 1130 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( CILS 1130 with minimum grade: TRC) )
AND ( (BUSA 2182 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( BUSA 2182 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( SOCI 2101 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( SOCI 2101 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( MATH 1401 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( MATH 1401 with minimum grade: TRC) ))
Link to View/Purchase Book:   View Book with CRN   :   View Book with Course Info
Course Attributes:   1. Asynchronous

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