Course Information: Intro to Machine Learning  (80459)

The first and foremost objective of this course is to provide a gentle introduction of machine learning which is a very deep and rapidly changing field. Second, to provide students with the skills necessary to pick up new technology as it is developed. Keeping this in mind, this course emphasizes learning basics of fundamental machine learning algorithms for classification, functional approximation, and regression. Especially, the course content focuses on understanding and implementing the training, testing, and validation phases of learning algorithm development. Topics will also include study of the computational complexity associated with development and execution of learning algorithms for a given data set. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to learn one of the high-level programming languages for scripting computationally intensive machine learning algorithm.

Required Materials:   Not Yet Available
Technical Requirements:   Not Yet Available
Pre-Requisite:   (( (DATA 2501 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( DATA 2501 with minimum grade: TRC) )
AND ( (CSCI 1130 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( CSCI 1130 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( CILS 1130 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( CILS 1130 with minimum grade: TRC) )
AND ( (BUSA 2182 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( BUSA 2182 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( MATH 1401 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( MATH 1401 with minimum grade: TRC )
OR ( SOCI 2101 with minimum grade: C )
OR ( SOCI 2101 with minimum grade: TRC) ))
Link to View/Purchase Book:   View Book with CRN   :   View Book with Course Info
Course Attributes:   1. Synchronous

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