Course Information: Intro to Mil Sci Skill Develop  (80892)

Instruction providing a basic understanding of the U.S. military. The course includes the following subjects: the role of the U.S. Army in national defense, organization and branches of the U.S. Army. ROTC and its role, customs and traditions of the service, military writing, implementing a personal physical fitness program, role of the ARNG and USAR, and roles of the commissioned and noncommissioned officer. Skills development includes instruction and practical exercises in basic mountaineering skills as well as knot tying, belaying, and rappelling. This course is acceptable as a PE requirement. MILS 5000 should be taken concurrently. (1-1-2)

Required Materials:   Not Yet Available
Technical Requirements:   Not Yet Available
Pre-Requisite:   (())
Link to View/Purchase Book:   View Book with CRN   :   View Book with Course Info
Course Attributes:   1. $0 in required textbook costs

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