Course Information: Electronic Tech Classroom  (23542)

This course is an introduction to using personal computers to communicate with individuals and organizations and to access, store, and analyze information. Emphasis is on exploring the role of technology in present and future learning experiences. Topics include the digital divide, virtual communities, telecommuting, job search and readiness, e-commerce, globalization, privacy versus security, and intellectual property in cyberspace. Students will use their practical technology skills to create work-processed documents, an electronic presentation, and a Web page. Prerequisites: Beginning level skill in Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint. Exited Learning Support in Reading and English.

Required Materials:   Not Yet Available
Technical Requirements:   Not Yet Available
Pre-Requisite:   (( with minimum grade: ))
Link to View/Purchase Book:   View Book with CRN   :   View Book with Course Info
Course Attributes:   1. eCore Course

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